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 Another Whale Saved!

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Join date : 2010-06-23
Age : 50
Location : Round Rock Texas

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PostSubject: Another Whale Saved!   Another Whale Saved! Icon_minitimeFri Jun 13, 2014 10:26 pm

I’d posted about this very pretty and very rare (under 500 made this last year) ’96 Caprice Classic LT1 wagon on both Facebook and the car forums. It showed up a while ago on Craigslist here in Austin, and in talking to the owner, this is one all the B-body nuts look for. Elderly owned since new. Texas car since new. Garaged. Never seen salt, never mistreated. Just a nice solid example. Well happily this car will not end up lugging paint and ladders as someone’s work truck, or worse crossing into Mexico. Instead a fellow wagon nut saw my post, and ended flying down here to Texas, and the car is now on the way to Nebraska, where it will be babied and loved. Happily I was able to meet the new owners today here at work. My Dad and son showed up to see it to. Nice visit. Neat to see the whales together. I’m hoping to get updates on the trip and the progress with this wagon. It needs a few small things, but it's very VERY nice. I was also happy to find out it had the tow package, with posi rear, something the seller had not even known about!
Anyway again nice visit and really glad this whale found a good home. Enjoyed meeting the new owners a lot. Wagon folks are just good folks! Save the Whales!

Dad and I pulling up to the Caprice in my Roady
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Making new friends
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First Views
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Sharp Caprice!
Another Whale Saved! 10440925_10204045766535150_2364187277415016908_n

Checking out under the hood. Hey it's got a Tow Pack!
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Nice clean LOADED Central Texas Wagon, even the power antenna still works!
Another Whale Saved! 10435638_10204045766575151_6565273842974680270_n

Saved Whales!
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Pics from the Craigslist Ad.
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I asked the new owner to join the Longroof forum, and he said he would, so hopefully we'll get updates here on this car.    He's already bought Impala SS wheels for it, and said window tint is tops on the list.   This is his first Whale, but he has a '68 Bonneville and is a big car nut.  Really happy this found a good home!

Texas Mike
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PostSubject: Re: Another Whale Saved!   Another Whale Saved! Icon_minitimeFri Jun 13, 2014 11:43 pm

Good job saving another whale,keep up the good work!
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Dutch Pete

Dutch Pete

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PostSubject: Re: Another Whale Saved!   Another Whale Saved! Icon_minitimeSat Jun 14, 2014 1:52 am

Greenpeace will be proud, saving a white whale..... Laughing 

But a very nice car by the looks of it, and all Original. A rare find indeed.
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Join date : 2009-08-18
Location : Rochester NY 14621

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PostSubject: Re: Another Whale Saved!   Another Whale Saved! Icon_minitimeSat Jun 14, 2014 8:42 am

Nice work Mike!
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PostSubject: Re: Another Whale Saved!   Another Whale Saved! Icon_minitime

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