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  Where is the T/S sensor located?

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  Where is the T/S sensor located? Empty
PostSubject: Where is the T/S sensor located?     Where is the T/S sensor located? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 4:02 pm

I have to take the wagon to have it inspected before I can register it and day running lights are required.

Before I go to that bother I thought I can just fool the car into thinking it is nite time by blocking the sensor.

I thought it was the bubble on the dash,but it didn't work. Is it in the mirror?
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  Where is the T/S sensor located? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where is the T/S sensor located?     Where is the T/S sensor located? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 4:51 pm


I assume the new car has the twilight sentenel and it is working? The car has to have the T/S installed for this trick to work, and you have to have the little slider somewhere else other then far left (ask me how I know this...screwed around with the Cadillac for two hours before I bothered to check) If it doesn't then CTC has a kit for 29 bucks that you wire into the low beam circuit.

If all is in order, you may have to remove the defroster duct as the photocell may have fallen off its bracket and is now hanging in the duct work.

Hope this helps.

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  Where is the T/S sensor located? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where is the T/S sensor located?     Where is the T/S sensor located? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 5:32 pm

Thanks Bill.

It works because when I pull into the garage the lights come on.

CTC,? Canadian Tire? How ironic as they are the official inspection station for imports.

So it is that little bubble on the dash duct?

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  Where is the T/S sensor located? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where is the T/S sensor located?     Where is the T/S sensor located? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 6:45 pm

Yes, it is. But like Bill said, you have to have the wheel all the way to the right (4 min timer) for you to fool the inspectors.

The sensor is in the front defroster, the TS module is in the passenger kick panel and is the white box.

I had one that was broke and stayed on all the time. I'll see if I can find it.... nay have tossed it....
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  Where is the T/S sensor located? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where is the T/S sensor located?     Where is the T/S sensor located? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 8:15 pm

Thanks Robert.

So by taping over the sensor,and making sure the T/S is all the way to the right,the lights should automatically come on,y/n.

I also have learned I must call GM and get a list of any recalls the car has had and then ensure they have been done.

Having every document fron the day it was purchased at 8 miles,and all dealership invoices including milage,is showing it never had any. God Bless ya Mike.

Long shot here but is anyone aware of any? My suburban had a middle row seat belt recall,but nothing else since 04.I can't even remember the 91 caprice having any.

Sheeeeeesh I sure wouldn't want to import a TEEEOTA
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phantom 309

phantom 309

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  Where is the T/S sensor located? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where is the T/S sensor located?     Where is the T/S sensor located? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 9:42 pm

lornejay1 wrote:

Thanks Robert.

So by taping over the sensor,and making sure the T/S is all the way to the right,the lights should automatically come on,y/n.

I also have learned I must call GM and get a list of any recalls the car has had and then ensure they have been done.

Having every document fron the day it was purchased at 8 miles,and all dealership invoices including milage,is showing it never had any. God Bless ya Mike.

Long shot here but is anyone aware of any? My suburban had a middle row seat belt recall,but nothing else since 04.I can't even remember the 91 caprice having any.

Sheeeeeesh I sure wouldn't want to import a TEEEOTA
welcome to the corporate money grab world of GM,.
You WILL need a recall letter,.letter will state there are no OUTSTANDING recalls for the vehicle
call 1-888-467-6853 8am-5pm eastern , give them the vin over the phone along with your credit card number , they will issue a letter,. they will also fax you a copy right away if you need it,.usually is george or frank,.they are actually in the vintage vehicle services dept,.
its now over $100 i think,.
the RIV can go on line and check a ford(lincoln) for free,.no letter needed,.
If you had waited till next year you would be exempt from all this crap,. (15 yrs or older) 1995 this year)
string a wire from the fuse panel to the light switch, get the inspection ,. remove the wire,. or put a folded up tea towel on the dash,.
don't forget your child tether bolt,. a joke i know because there is nowhere to attach it in a wagon,..but its what they want,.
airbags are NON seviceable so french stickers are NOT needed.


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  Where is the T/S sensor located? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where is the T/S sensor located?     Where is the T/S sensor located? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 10:00 pm

Sticker shock here. Due to the dealers here bitching about people going south to buy cars when our dollar was high, GM bumped up the cost of the letter to $225.00. Guess they didn't make enough last year on selling cars.

Further to Nicks suggestion, there is actually a mount for the child tether. It is the seatbelt mount in the third seat well. I bought one from GM when I first brought the Buicks over, and have used the same one for all the cars. You can remove the short center seat one from any of your cars (the one with the latch) and just stick it in the well cover so the working end sticks up. No one has ever checked mine to see if it was actually attached.

As Nick said, Any jumper that turns on the low beam when you turn on the ignition will work. Just remove it afterwards as it does shorten the life of your headlight bulbs.

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Fred Kiehl

Fred Kiehl

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  Where is the T/S sensor located? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where is the T/S sensor located?     Where is the T/S sensor located? Icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 10:40 pm

lornejay1 wrote:

Thanks Bill.

It works because when I pull into the garage the lights come on.

CTC,? Canadian Tire? How ironic as they are the official inspection station for imports.

So it is that little bubble on the dash duct?

The little bubble is the sun load sensor for the digital climate control. It lowers the effective AC temperature by 3 degrees on a sunny day.
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  Where is the T/S sensor located? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where is the T/S sensor located?     Where is the T/S sensor located? Icon_minitimeWed Jul 21, 2010 12:55 am

Hi Folks. Thought I'd pass this on regarding the auto headlights. On the way to work a while back my headlights went out while driving. Hello! I never use the switch, just the twilight sentinal. I pulled the headlight switch and the lights came right on. Pushed it off and they went out.

Got to work and pushed the switch in and the lights stayed on until I slid the sentinal off. I like the auto lights, hoped it'd be a simple fix. Dug around on the net and found the answer here:

WOO-HOO! This worked. I followed the instructions and pulled the Twilight Sentinal controller from the right kick panel, opened it up and two of the solder points were bad. Re-soldered them and my automatic lights work perfect again!

Amazing what you can Google and learn!


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  Where is the T/S sensor located? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Where is the T/S sensor located?     Where is the T/S sensor located? Icon_minitime

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