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 Wagons and parts! 94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN

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Wagons and parts!  94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN Empty
PostSubject: Wagons and parts! 94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN   Wagons and parts!  94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN Icon_minitimeWed Jul 03, 2013 2:24 am

I'm looking to get out of wagons for right now. I rarely drive the Caprice (unfortunately!!) and have absolutely no time (and don't see that changing for at least another year) to start on the they both gotta go along with all of the parts I've acquired. Would MUCH rather sell this stuff to someone who appreciates wagons vs letting them go to a local redneck who's into demo's.  

I'll be 100% upfront in that I'm not at all motivated about selling little stuff individually. Most motivated to do everything together or something like #2 & 3 together. Buy everything, take what you want, and sell the rest....whatever floats your boat. Basically it all goes or nothing goes.  I don't have the time to be putzing with $20 parts.

1)  94 Caprice (white one). About 133K, 5.7 LT1, long tubes, no cats, pypes 2.5" w/X pipe, stainless duals modified at the rear to fit the wagon. Tuned PCM.....smokes the tires nice and easy. Interior is clean minus a small rip in the seat from a friend setting a sharp edged part on it. Starts, idles, runs, shifts very nice. Electric fans. Body needs some work. Got side swipped before I got it at the rear quarter and they kinda tried to hit it that lower part looks crappy. Then there are holes from me removing the trim (decent shape and included) and a larger hole in each door from swapping the newer style mirrors I said, no time to work on it. Fun car, exhaust is very aggressive under throttle but isn't obnoxious at all on the highway....makes getting groceries fun Laughing 

2)  94 Roadmaster (tan one). Unknown miles due to no engine/trans/PCM (have this stuff from another one listed in #3)/title. Lived most winters in Arizona so the body is still good. Pulled the carpet and cleaned it (real plan was an interior swap to gray or black) Good glass minus windshield. Entire engine bay was pressure washed and is ready for paint or a motor swap...was planning on a 5.3 turbo...but yea.  Is a very solid car to base a build from!

3)  Then these are the big parts that I can remember having off the top of my head. There are small parts galore.

-Complete 96 (I think, came from a yard) caprice front end (minus 1 fender, forget which one)...have hood/grille, complete bumper, headlights, corners. Good white paint.
-Following parts from a 95 that met the ditch backwards in the winter...had 120ish K for miles.
   -front doors w/guts
   -rear hatch glass
   -transmission, crossmember, driveshaft, rear axle
   -5.7 LT1 - currently disassembled to check for wear and do cam/head swap (was going into the RM until this lack of time thing happened....and the 5.3 idea came to be) Parts look very good!
   -complete front accessories for the motor
   -power seat bases
   -should have the wiring harness
   -think I got all the seats

I've got a bunch of other stuff that I've squirreled away. In the next few days I'll gather it together, unbox some stuff, and take pics.

3K for EVERYTHING caprice/RM that I 2 cars plus a bunch of parts.

Located 30 min NW of the Twin Citis in Buffalo, MN. Call/Text Scott at 715 563 2077. DON'T PM ME HERE PLEASE!

LOTS more pics here...dont have pics of the motor/trans yet:

Video of exhaust and walk around (click it, it'll take you to photobucket to play)

Wagons and parts!  94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN Th_VIDEO0006

Wagons and parts!  94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN IMAG0164

Pypes system before install. Rear after the axle is altered for the fuel tank.
Wagons and parts!  94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN Exhaust

Wagons and parts!  94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN IMAG0166

Wagons and parts!  94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN IMAG0174-1

Wagons and parts!  94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN IMAG0173-1

Wagons and parts!  94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN IMAG0189

Wagons and parts!  94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN IMAG0192

Not everything on this shelf is wagon related...but over half of it is.  Things got piled together when I moved shops.  Cats aren't included but you can have them for scrap value.
Wagons and parts!  94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN IMAG0180

Last edited by mnguy on Fri Jul 05, 2013 6:31 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Wagons and parts!  94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wagons and parts! 94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN   Wagons and parts!  94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN Icon_minitimeThu Jul 04, 2013 1:50 pm

GLWS, Man I'm glad he doesn't live closer, I think my wife would kill me, lol. Man that is a starter set for a resto shop for our cars! Screaming deal for someone.
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Wagons and parts!  94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wagons and parts! 94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN   Wagons and parts!  94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN Icon_minitimeFri Jul 05, 2013 6:27 pm

You're only 24 hours away!
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PostSubject: Re: Wagons and parts! 94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN   Wagons and parts!  94 Caprice + 94 RM - Twin Cities MN Icon_minitime

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